Day by Day


Music is all about sharing. Especially a good time together.


There are hundreds of reasons why making music is so fulfilling. To me the most important is that it involves people. Working on songs with people for people always boosts the quality. And when we finally share them with the audience it's like releasing a wild animal to run free.

If you don't have anything to tell, it won't sound like it.


Emotional. Multifaceted. Honest. I don't care about sound until it is necessary to do so. First of all it is about music and not about design. To me staying true to your feelings and exploring your musical possibilities provide the basis for the creation of a great song. If you don't feel it, the people won't either.

If you don't have anything to tell, it won't sound like it.


Day by Day

drifting apart



Unser Tag

Für Alle

Burn (Demo)


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